Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So Proud

Had the boys Parent Teacher Confrence this morning. I am so proud of both of them for doing so well.

Owen is still suprising me everyday and is at the reading level they should be at, at the end of the school year. I am guessing he is reading at a 2nd grade level. His teacher said that he usually knows the answer to the questions she ask before everyone else and she has to tell him not to blurt the answere out and give the other kids a chance. He has a 100% in Math also, although they just started to do their math in the last few weeks. His worst subjuect is Art LOL> I am not suprised at all as Jason and I really dont have an artistic bone in us, as long as he keep trying it will make us happy.

Noah has a 91% overall which is much better than last year. I am thinking my decision to not have him play winter soccer was a good one. He is reading more and actually sitting down and doing his homework slowly and not rushing through it. His teacher said that he is very quiet in school and does his work faster than other kids. A few others do too so she created packets for them to do with extra work in it so they dont get bored while the others finish their work (I love the idea). His highest grade was math (no suprise there LOL) and his lowest was Social Studies. During Thanksgiving break he is supposed to make an Iriqoius Longhouse. He is looking to make it as real as possible and is making sure he has every last detail in it LOL I am thinking he knows he needs to bring the grade up and he would like to start with this. I will post pictures when it is complete.

Lexi and Liam are doing great also. Liam has learned that Gaa, gaa, goo is fun to say and says it all the time. He also likes to blow rasberries. He is a silly lil boy and we love him for it. Lexi is...well.. Lexi LOL. She has been wearing a lot of necklaces latley and starting to want to wear her nailpolish, Daddy let her paint her nails one morning and she did a great job.

Hope everyone has a great Turkey day and eats lots of it, I know I will.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

That was a long week!

Well Noah def had the Swine Flu. It not as bad as everyone thinks it is, either that or he didnt get it too bad. He didnt move off the couch or his bed for 3 days. We took him to the doc on Wednesday and they confirmed it for us, as well as an ear infection he didnt know he had. We went to Walmart to fill his medicine and he ended up passing out on us, I am thinking that he just overdid it that day. He is pretty fun when he comes to though, he had no clue what was going on and all he could say was I am thirsty, can I have some water LOL. He is feeling much better and went back to school on Monday. I talked to his teacher and she said all the kids were happy to have him back and they really missed him, I was happy to have him back in school, the boy was driving me nuts because he was so bored.

We also went for Liam post op appointment in Friday. That was an interesting day too. The doc took of the temporary cast so she could put another one on. When she took it off she discovered that the lil stinker had pulled the wire about 2 inches out of his toe. She pushed it back in and all he did was give a lil whine. I told Jason that he was just like someone else I know who pulled the pins out if his knee (yup Jason did that). He is now in a fiberglass cast, a bright red one at that. I guess you could say he is getting in the holiday spirit a little early. He will get it off on Dec 2nd and we get to see his new lil foot. I am going to miss his special toe though :(

Lexi and Liam also ended up having fevers on and off all weekend but it only ended up being a cold and they are now coughing and have runny noses. I think Liams has something to do with teething too, but only time will tell.

I am just very happy that last week is over and am hoping that this week is better, so far so good too.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween and the Flu

We did the Wizard of Oz for Halloween this year. The kids loved the idea, or they did it just for mommy, I dont know. On the big night Noah came down with what was the beginning of what looks like the flu, I knew it was bad when he refused a KitKat bar. He hasnt moved from the couch in 2 days except to crawl back into his bed. He also missed a soccer tournament, so that tells ya something LOL. Owen is coming down with it too, although so far it hasnt hit him so hard, may be his stubborness. As of right now Lexi and Liam havent gotten it but that could always change. Hoping they dont though.